Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm posting again. :-) YEAH! STILL No pictures yet because I haven't had time to take any nor have I had time to figure out what program I have for pictures in my new computer.  I hope to figure that out tonight when my hubby gets home.  SHHhhhhhh!  I kinda wish I hadn't asked Santa for  a new computer last Christmas.  I really was used to my old computer and knew exactly how it worked.  I suppose I will learn to love this new computer after I figure it all out.  Of Course I Will :-)

Life is good but busy with the new house (well it's not new new; it has been lived in by others before BUT it's new to us and it's all ours, payments and all LOL LOL!). 
Getting all our stuff unpacked and a place to put it PLUS having to buy new curtains, furniture, etc.  We are almost finished unpacking stuff EXCEPT for my studios. YEAH! I have 2 studios. 2 room side by side. I REALLY REALLY MISS MY BIG STUDIO I HAD IN OUR LAS VEGAS HOUSE. (Oh! speaking of our Las Vegas house; we rented it to someone HURRAY!!! that's a load off the minds).  Got some stuff set up in one studio. Got lots and lots of boxes full of supplies, dolls, etc etc in the other studio room.  OH! and I can't forget about all the other boxes full of supplies, etc in the guest bedroom.  It's piled high also.  Just a little path to get inside the doors. LOL LOL!!   I have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!!  My son made me bring everything.  He helped pack and move us.  He lives out here in Texas.  We have 2 sons and families that live 5 minutes away.  It's nice seeing them alot more.  Now if we could only get the other 6 kids and families to move out here.  Wouldn't it be nice to have all your family in one town like it used to be???
I know I for one would be THRILLED AND LOVE IT!!   Well, a Mother can Dream. :-)

I must get off of here, go feed the cat, get dressed (still in pj's and housecoat), get to working on stuff for AFIC 2001.  I leave in 5 days and still have lots to do.  Have to finish my new patterns and other things.
I'm excited about teaching Delphine Rose class and Flutter Rose class.  I must have liked Rose when I designed these 2 doll classes.  LOL LOL !!!    Mmmmmm! I actually do like roses alot.

Well, I am getting off the computer now and going to go get my work clothes on and get to work in my studio.  Wish I had pictures to post.   SOON, ONE CAN ONLY HOPE!!

One more thing before I get off here.  We hardly ever had storms in Las Vegas BUT OUT HERE WE HAVE HAD LOTS OF REALLY BAD STORMS (Yes Tornado's around and Tornado watches) AND I DON'T LIKE THEM!!  I suppose we will get used to them. NOT!!!

OK I'm off here.  Sorry for the rattling on and on.  :-)
Have A Fantastic Day,
Love & Hugs,

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